European CO2 Foundation

For a sustainable society and a strong, decarbonized economy

The European ECO2F Foundation is a non-profit organization funded by companies,institutions and professionals committed to decarbonization who share the goal of speeding up the transition to a decarbonized society by recognizing and disseminating best practices.

European ECO2F Foundation challenges

Help achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) adopted by the United Nations and, in particular, Goal 13 on “Climate Action”.

Give maximum support to the EU’s commitment to reduce emissions by 2030 and become climate neutral by 2050.

We must act to change the economic model

Europe’s natural environment is deteriorating. Climate change and the increasingly extreme weather phenomena that it causes are calling into question the action taken in the past. This is why a new strategy and change of economic model is needed to transform the European Union – and the rest of the world.

In tune with the UN and the Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, the UN adopted the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve sustainable development. Changes to the political, economic, social and, of course, environmental system are needed to achieve this purpose. Goal 13 is about “Climate Action” and the European ECO2F Foundation aims to help achieve it.

Decarbonization is critical to businesses’ success over the long term. Companies that take proactive steps to reduce their carbon footprint will have the most favourable position in the economy of the future.

Mark Carney
UN Financial Advisor on Climate Action

Decarbonization is critical to businesses’ success over the long term. Companies that take proactive steps to reduce their carbon footprint will have the most favourable position in the economy of the future.

Mark Carney
UN Financial Advisor on Climate Action

Recognition for public and private organizations

Good business and institutional practices deserve recognition for the dual value they generate by helping sustainable development and for moving towards a decarbonised economy that enables a sustainable society.

ECO2F awards official seals on an annual basis.

Companies with the Agreed 2030 seal