Who we are

The ECO2F Foundation was founded to respond to the challenge of upholding a strong, decarbonized economy and a sustainable society.


To recognize companies and institutions with good track records and accelerate decarbonization processes by disseminating best practices.

We believe in the power of change: the best gift we can leave to future generations is a decarbonized and green Europe. 
In its quest to build a more sustainable continent, the European Foundation ECO2F is inspired by the objectives of the European Green Pact. The European ECO2F Foundation aims to accelerate progress towards a carbon-neutral footprint in Europe to respond to future changes. Companies, institutions and public bodies that want to contribute to a cleaner and less polluted continent can contact us to obtain our official seals. 
These seals provide proof of emissions reductions and a commitment to mitigating the impact of greenhouse gases.


To boost and maintain a sustainable society and a strong, decarbonized economy

Our goal is for the European Community to be considered a climate-neutral environment offering the best suppliers, partners and investment opportunities, and for the Members and Associates of the ECO2F Foundation to improve their sustainability and consolidate their international position. 


To recognize organizations’ contribution to achieving climate neutrality

Our foundation strives to improve Europe’s carbon footprint by recognizing and rewarding public and private companies and organizations that manage to significantly reduce their own environmental footprint.
In recent years, the focus has turned to global warming and other problems related to the rapid progress of human activity. The deterioration of the environment which is fundamental to the survival of the human race is becoming a major concern – and not only in Europe but throughout the world as a global problem.
The decline of natural environments and the extinction of wildlife are just the tip of the iceberg.

Our activities

To accelerate the transition towards a decarbonized economy and society, the ECO2F Foundation develops the following activities:

Systems to recognize organizations that distinguish themselves with outstanding progress towards sustainability
Dissemination of best practices so that they can serve as a model for other organizations and accelerate decarbonization processes 

International promotion of companies and entities of all types recognized by the Foundation, enhancing their prestige as an example to follow in their progress towards decarbonization

Developing networks and partnerships to facilitate the exchange of best practices and the implementation of joint solutions.
Communication and training programmes and projects to disseminate the culture of decarbonization at the international level.
The aim is for countries that implement effective decarbonization programmes to be considered climate-neutral environments offering the best suppliers, partners and investment opportunities, and for members and institutions related to the Foundation to increase their prestige and improve their sustainability.